
How I ran 40km over 7 hours to spell out “BUY BITCOIN” on the map

40 km and 7 hours of running and I finally did it!

Most people hate running because it feels meaningless and boring… Well, now that you’ve seen this, you don’t have an excuse! Pick something you’d like to say - something funny, or something serious - something meaningful to you; draw it out on a map and run that thing! I promise you — running won’t ever feel the same.

Started this as a joke on April 10, a few days after Singapore went into a lockdown. I was going crazy in isolation and to cure my boredom an idea to run the word “HELP” somehow popped in to my mind. Once I completed “HELP”, I thought, why stop there?! To celebrate my upcoming 30th birthday and the 2nd Bitcoin halving I expanded this to “HELP ME BUY 30 BITCOIN” 😂 Running never been so meaningful ever. Silly, right?

Alright, now let’s get serious:

Wouldn’t it be nice to own 30 Bitcoin? I bet it would! I did extensive research and found two ways to get those 30 Bitcoin:

The first one is to buy them. But if you can’t afford to buy this much (I can’t) the other way is to EARN them. The best way to earn them is to subscribe to Crypto Jobs List → apply to jobs → start earning!

21 Million Bitcoin. 8 Billion of us. Start earning early. Subscribe above.

🏃‍♂️ Follow me on Strava https://lnkd.in/gSzpM85

💰 Send your donations here: 3BTHasH7anJZEjGn2c6fhrJuBW7egCiLwe

Several people been asking me if I actually ran this and how did i get such straight lines

  • Yes, I actually ran this. 40km. Maybe more.
  • To get straight lines, you’ve got to turn on tracking only at the edges. So that Strava doesn’t track every step on the path. Otherwise you’ll get a messy picture like this:

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